2025 Membership + Contact! (Digital)
This is how it works and what you get!
It doesn‘t matter how you pay; membership runs for 12 months from the first of January each year, regardless of when during the year you join.
For example, should you join in July you will automatically receive the two editions of Contact! already published for that year, a further two on publication, and your membership will be due for renewal on the following first of January.
We will accept postal payment by Sterling (GBP) cheque, or credit card through the post or over the telephone – or PayPal or credit / debit cards via the web site!
Please make all payments to The Great War Aviation Society.
If you want to pay by post, our Membership Secretary’s address is:
3 St Andrews Lane
NN14 3DN
Four issues of Contact! are published annually
72 pages in each issue in a high-resolution PDF file
100% full colour