Showing 31 journal articles
In 1924, at the height of a public defamation campaign blaming German Jews as shirkers and saboteurs in connection with Germany’s defeat, a remarkable book titled Jewish Flyers in the World War (Jüdische Flieger im Weltkrieg) was published about the experiences of
Via Tom Rodwell. Memoirs of learning to fly with Samuel Franklin Cody, the Central Flying School, flying BE2s and Major
by Paul Leaman This fourth instalment outlines the replacement numbering systems, which were started in May 1918 and allocated numbers to captured German aircraft at the HQ and Brigade levels. TNA file references are given for each machine. Contains 29 photos, 5
The remarkable achievements of the Sopwith Aviation Company before the Great War. In the twenty-one months from its creation to the start of the Great War, the privately owned Sopwith Aviation Company was extremely competitive, keen to demonstrate that their