Zeppeline gegen England by Treusch von Buttlar Brandenfels

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    Ian Burns

    Anyone have access to the original German language book from 1931?

    Would you be willing to scan a few pages for me?

    I have the English translation and want to check a couple of pages.

    Nick Forder

    Which English translation do you have ?

    I believe that there is a ‘scanned’ paperback edition now available which, judging by similar such books, the recognition software isn’t too hot on numbers etc.

    I have a copy of the original hardback – actually, I think I might have two – so can check that ?

    Ian Burns

    Hi Nick.

    I have the 1931 Harrap edition.

    In that version Chapter XIX – Smart Airmen refers to the Tondern Raid.

    I would like a scan of the German language version of that chapter if possible. I suspect it will have been printed in that awful fraktur alphabet, but I am teaching myself how to transcribe that into the ‘standard’ roman alphabet. Then Dr Google takes over – his versions can be both illuminating and entertaining :-)

    I would like to get back as close as possible to the original 1931 German edition.


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