RFC Balloon Sections in The First World War

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    I am looking to the feasibility of undertaking research into the deployment and effectiveness of RFC Observation Balloons on the Western Front . This work would be part of my dissertation next year as I work towards an MA in Britain and the First World War.

    I am soon off to look at available sources at the National Archive but I wondered if anyone was aware of the location of other sources which may be relevant?


    David Barras


    There are a few Orders of Battle, including the Balloon Sections, in the SHD Archives at Vincennes in Paris, but I can send you those if you wish, and they are likely to be in the TNA.
    Be aware that there is a large quantity of documentation relating to Balloons at Kew, and it is poorly organised.
    Consequently documents relating to a particular section might be indexed under the section, the company or the Wing, or under general headings.
    Some of the files don’t mention balloons at all – i.e. the massive RFC correspondence files in AIR 1/362/… et al (which include orders for each section to depart for France, and list of officers)
    If looking for something specific it is best to have the OOB’s as the organisation changed frequently.
    I can send you copies of what I have if it helps if you contact me via [email protected]


    Thanks that’s really helpful. I am off to Kew later this week to start sifting! I will make e mail contact as you suggest.


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