Looking for information and records about Kosciusko Squadron, Poland 1919-1921

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    David Fuller

    Hi all,

    I am looking for information on Edward Charles O’Donnell (1896-1934), RFC/RAF, who apparently joined this Polish squadron after he was designated for repatriation to Canada in 1919. I have searched the CCI indexes and there doesn’t appear to me much on this squadron, just a few fliers who were Polish. He wound up living in the US and I know there were a lot of Americans who joined this unit.

    Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks.

    David Fuller

    Paul Hare

    there is a chapter about this squadron in Terry Treadwell’s book “Strike from the Air” which I recently reviewed for the journal. I don’t know if O’Donnell is mentioned though/

    Paul. R Hare

    David Fuller

    Thanks Paul. I did find a copy of the squadron history Wings Over Poland online and O’Donnell is not listed on the roster of pilots in the appendix. He apparently went to Poland but wound up working with the American Red Cross. The search continues!


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