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    Paul Hare

    Strange was involved in two aerial combats while flying a B.E.2c. with 6 Squadron
    Dates are 8 May 1915 and 24 may 1915.
    does anyone have more details??

    Maurice Taylor

    Peter Hearn, author of Flying Rebel, The Story Of Louis Strange,is sparse on combat date but does give two accounts of combats in the area of Aubers Ridge in May 1915.

    Paul Hare

    Thanks, Maurice. That helps a lot.


    In his memoirs Strange just mentions a combat on the 10th in which he was thrown out of the cockpit.
    He also says he delivered the first of the squadrons FE2b on the 20th

    Paul Hare

    I believe the incident on 1o May was the famous one in which he was attempting to change the drum on a Lewis gun. But this happened in a Martinsyde Scout; as usual I am only interested in his flights in a B.E!!

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