Nick Forder

According to ‘White Eagles’ by Bartlomiej Belcarz & Robert Peczkowski, Poland purchased 107 Biffs and two SE5as from Britain. Colour profiles of both types are included. Some of the Biffs look to have been Hispano powered. On page 84 is a photo of a line up of Biff of 5Eskadra at Prezemsyl.in 1921, including 20.39 (H1278) & 20.44 (H1274).

Two Camels were operated 1918-24 (one of which was captured), 10 x Dolphins, 1 x Avro 504k, an RE8 (captured), 3 x Sopwith Strutters (captured) and 20 x DH9s.

‘Godto i barwa w lotnictwie polskim 1918-1939’ by Tomasz J Kowalski contains Biff pictures, though these are of indifferent quality as the 1981 book is printed on low grade paper.