We are saddened to announce that our friend, Trustee and founding editor of Contact! passed away in July 2024.

Derek was the inspiration and driving force behind Contact! and leaves a huge legacy. He was also the editor of PC Pilot magazine and the founder of the Wiltshire Scale Modellers Society. Derek’s passion, relentless energy and good humour are even more remarkable as he had been suffering from prostate cancer for some time. His enthusiasm for Contact! reflected his belief that we needed to engage with a broader audience and that, with the advent of digital publishing and social media, we now had the means to do so.

The Committee is now exploring ways to permanently commemorate Derek’s vision in recognition of his selfless efforts on behalf of the Society. Derek leaves behind many friends and family who will dearly miss him – as will everyone who had the privilege of meeting or working with a remarkable man.

Peter Dye, President of The Great War Aviation Society