Articles published in the Journal remain the copyright of the author, however the Society reserves the right (with the agreement of the author) to republish articles, in whole or in part, online or in other formats (such as monographs, etc).

Where photographs have been purchased from a commercial organisation, the Society will observe the relevant terms and conditions, and, if these images are published in the Journal or online, will acknowledge the source.

European and British copyright law assigns copyright on a photograph to the photographer – up to 70 years after their death. Where the photographer has been employed (paid) to take photographs, the copyright belongs to the ‘commissioning’ organisation. In the case of WW1 official photographs, this would be the Crown (Admiralty, War Office, Air Ministry, Ministry of Information, etc). However, Crown copyright on official photographs taken during the First World War expired in 1968 (after 50 years). It is unclear whether images that fell out of copyright in 1968 are now back in copyright, especially where there is uncertainty over who took a particular image, when they died, and whether copyright rests with the heirs, the commissioning organisation or another body.

Having considered the matter, and taken advice, it is the view of the Society that no copyright exists on any photograph taken during the First World War. However, where the Society knows the source of an image, it will always acknowledge that source.