Cross & Cockade International Journal
Many Society members are authors and researchers. If you have written about WW1 aviation, we are keen to hear from you. Cross & Cockade International is interested in publishing original content relating to all aspects of aviation in the various warring nations, covering all types of aircraft, squadrons, crew and relevant sites. A copy of a document relating to our ‘house style’ is available on request.
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Wind in the Wires
Our quarterly newsletter is distributed via email to members and subscribers. Click the link below to email us if you are interested in helping us distribute Wind in the Wires.
Online events
We currently offer a programme of Zoom talks and are always looking for people who can help work with our events team to organise, promote and host the lectures. If this appeals to you, please get in touch.
Photo indexing
We have an incredible archive of around 250,000 photographs and documents relating to First World War aviation. We are cataloguing the photographs so we can put our archive online for the benefit of all our members. If you know the difference between a BE2a and BE2b or can spot if a photograph was taken at Henden, then we want to hear from you!