Watch the film

Crossing the Line

Renowned film director and WW1 enthusiast Peter Jackson made a short film in 2008 following the story of two young combatants. Crossing the Line was the first film to be made with the Red One camera. It was made as a test for the prototype camera and was shot over just two days.

Click the image to view the trailer. The full fifteen-minute film is free for Members to view online in our Members’ Area.


The First World War was when aviation truly came of age.

A time of dizzying technological advances which changed not only the nature of war, but also society. A time of huge bravery and tragic loss. At The Great War Aviation Society, our mission is to explore, preserve and share information on this fascinating period to make sure the aircraft, pilots, ground crew and their sacrifices are never forgotten.

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Two FREE issues of Contact! are available to download
Two issues of the new magazine from The Great War Aviation Society can now be downloaded for FREE in our shop. Each issue of Contact! contains features on the personnel
Derek Davis
We are saddened to announce that our friend, Trustee and founding editor of Contact! passed away in July 2024. Derek was the inspiration and driving force behind Contact! and leaves

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